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February 2012 Archives

February 1, 2012

Say What?


February 2, 2012

Playing with graphics


February 3, 2012

and now a word from Julius Caesar...


February 4, 2012

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration Idea...


This is my entry for this week's Illustration Friday theme: SUSPENSE. Wanna see the other talented efforts? Really? You sure? I mean...you know...it can be kind a...well...how shall I put it?

February 5, 2012

Another one....


February 6, 2012

DVD Cover Illustration Idea


February 7, 2012

"Upon Further Reflection"


I've been enjoying doing small watercolor studies of a group of abstract work that might look wonderful done very large in multi-media fashion. A little p-shop, BANG, a large canvas hanging in a modest den.

Boy, what I would do with a roomy studio that could handle six-foot, eight-foot canvases! I still have faith in my attempts at exploring less literal, more poetic themes that fit in a living space.

February 8, 2012

Say What?


February 9, 2012

Self Help Book Cover Illustration Idea


February 10, 2012

Abstractions: An Exploration


These are small watercolor studies I'd like to turn into much larger canvases (6 to 8 foot range) for a show. I've had a love affair with line and texture in all my work, so I thought it could be liberating to do some studies that zero in on that very thing.

Don't worry, I loves me the figurative work, too.

February 11, 2012

Haiku What?


Gaining attention
Focal point of no return
And God laughs and laughs

This is my entry for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday: POPULARITY

February 12, 2012



February 14, 2012

Book Cover Illustration Idea


February 15, 2012

and now a word from The Dude...


February 16, 2012

Business Card Project: Keeping It Fresh


My good friend who hosts The Phantom Darkroom, Steve McAfee, is a skillful photographer of a high order. His work is known around the country and even HE has to refresh his business cards so they reflect his recent interests and techniques.

His most recent post was about that very thing, which I found to be inspiring. So, with a few hours available to really knuckle down and come up with my business card......I FROZE!

I didn't have a clear idea of what I wanted to present to the world as my "it", my specialty, that thing that makes my work stand out. I'm aware that I've developed a few looks, so I was a bit confused as to a stylistic direction.

Then, I took a deep breath and realized the work I've been showcasing on this site is the marrow of my artistic efforts: highly detailed cartoon work that emphasizes form, texture and light, with a certain wry humor.

And that's what I went with. WHEW!

I think it's hilarious that when it came to designing my own card, I was a bit befuddled. Had I been doing work for anyone else who required my illustration and design work, I would've gone about it with my usual confidence and focus. I-R-O-N-Y.

February 17, 2012



February 18, 2012

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration Idea...


February 19, 2012

Illustration Friday: FLUID


February 20, 2012

and now a word from Abraham Lincoln (sort of)...


Enjoy your Presidents Day, folks.

Still waiting on House Majority Whip Day.


February 21, 2012

Automotive Report Cover


The cover article is about inking the deal and taking responsibility for reading THE WHOLE CONTRACT.

Otherwise, it just may backfire.

February 22, 2012

Automotive Report 'Toon


This is the Buster McNutt piece Allen and I did for the March issue.

February 23, 2012



February 24, 2012

Another one....


February 25, 2012

Haiku What?


Exquisite senses
Tendrils of pure volition
Capable of faith

This is my entry for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday: CAPABLE.
Check out the other wonderfully capable illustrators over there.

February 26, 2012



February 27, 2012

Book Cover Illustration Idea


February 28, 2012

Say What?


February 29, 2012




John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About February 2012

This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in February 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2012 is the previous archive.

March 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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