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and now a word from Abraham Lincoln (sort of)...


Enjoy your Presidents Day, folks.

Still waiting on House Majority Whip Day.


Comments (4)

Dr. Bob:

I didn't know Abe was so prescient. But he's right on both counts. BTW, I just got talked into Facebooking, locked everything down to start and am filling out more stuff - but nothing public - all "friends".

But damn, so many friends have popped up out of nowhere - even a Professor I had in college in 1975. For a while I was having trouble handling all the adds.

It's nutz, man... just nutz.

Poor Abe, looks like either he has one hell of a headache or one hell of a hangover.

So is "House majority whip day" the day we all get to whip the house majority? There's a few which I'd like to whup their asses but good or did I miss the concept?

John Cox:


"House Majority Whip" is actual nomenclature. He's the guy who enforces House rules for his party.

I thought it was a dessert drink.


Merry George Washington's birthday.

Dr. Bob:

I knew what the House Majority Whip is, was just trying to make some bad humor. And I even knew Eric Cantor was the majority whip, but now it is some dude named Kevin McCarthy.

Now, being guv'mint there is also "chief deputy whips" and I suppose there must also be "associate deputy whips".

I'd say, ol' boy, there must be a heckuva lot of whippin' going on.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2012 12:01 AM.

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