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Haiku What?


Gaining attention
Focal point of no return
And God laughs and laughs

This is my entry for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday: POPULARITY

Comments (3)


fame is a vapor
number not voices - WEIGH them
character endures

Dr. Bob:

T: a bit of a riff on yours

Whitney Houston dead
her magic voice now silent
fame is a vapor



Nice - also eerie.

I didn't know until I read your post. Surfed around a little to read the "news."

No disrespect to her family, friends, or fans, but I find the impersonal "outpouring" of celeb "tweets" & fan comments tacked on to the ends of web "news" columns to be tacky & tasteless. I find the ones where people feel compelled to opine on her demise exceedingly vulgar & disrespectful.


When someone passes, express your grief, your concern for those affected, & perhaps a fond remembrance - then SHUT UP.

If you MUST express your op-ed "analyses", save them for idle gossip (assuming you have any friends you actually TALK to face to face).

Pause for a moment to think about how the reams of self-righteous commentary will read to those who were closest to her. I imagine that if I were in their position, I would find those posts to aggravate my grief. Think about two words: EMPATHY and GRACE.

Take a cue from the good DR. BOB.



John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 11, 2012 5:39 AM.

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