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I'll have some new stuff up soon. Hang in there, gang!
Thanks for participating and I'll a brand-spanking new one up tomorrow.
I thought I get back in the saddle with something that recalls the allure of travel.
There are certain long-time Democrats who would like to have the the swamp left intact.
Political Correctness has risen it's obscene head in the midst of New York City's most tragically hallowed ground. Have we lost our mind?
FYI:Cordoba, Spain is the city in which Muslims built a grand mosque that served as a stronghold for Islam in the 700's. It remains one of the important destinations of Islamic pilgrimage.
This is an 10" x 8" male study done with ink wash. I like illustrating on paper that has a layer of gesso because the ink wash doesn't soak into the paper and I can get a transparent look to the organic background splashes. When I let it dry, I can add other thin layers to emphasize light and shadow. As I'm going to finish, I can rub out some highlights with steel wool (an eraser will not cut through dried ink). This techniques lends itself to spontaneous brushwork, yet has a solid permanence.
Getting a kick out of illustrating a children's reading program, "Vinny the Vampire", for a cousin who lives in the neighborhood.
It seems the President is acknowledging the Constitution to the letter while submarining substantial public opinion.
And I'm willing to bet Imam Feisal Abdul-Rauf is enjoying the hell out of this.
Sean Penn goes the half century mark today. How old do you feel NOW?
My favorite beatnik-era poet. Eloquently gritty.
This one would be essays about the romance of the road.
This is the illustration I submitted to Steve Butterbaugh's PRINCIPLEX objectivist site. Please read what he has to write about the Obama mystique.
A little fun with a '50's icon. The September issue of Allen Forkum's "Automotive Report" features Buster McNutt's funny column about amphibious cars.
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
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