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Ms Kagan, you're FEELINGS don't enter into it! It's fine the way it was WRITTEN!

john cox:



"I'm in the mood for an old-fashioned grudge Bork."

Dr. Bob:

Drop the pen and give my Constitution back NOW and no one gets hurt, Justice Kagan. And knock off that damned "stink eye" bit.


"Lemme guess... You haven't read it, but you have an opinion on it."


"When you say 'The Constitution is the Constitution', what is your definition of 'is'?"


What's YOUR problem lady? It's written in plain English. Or is it just that you failed reading comprehension in law school?

Tom Wms.:

Contrary to popular belief, Ms. Kagan, being a Supreme Court justice does NOT give you the write to re-write the Constitution! That's the LAW! DEAL With IT!

Bryan S.:

I'm sorry, but Uncle Sam would be working with the progressives... Somehow he changed from overbearing government representation to patriotic propaganda.

john cox:


During our Cox and Forkum days, Allen Forkum and I wanted to recreate a robust Uncle Sam that represented the best of American ideals: strength of indiviual freedom, clarity of purpose, dedication to the Constitution.

In spite of all it's editorial history, we thought the lanky, elderly Uncle Sam was due for a make-over.


"Uncle Sam would be working with the progressives..."

Yeah Brian. They're doing such a GOOD JOB, aren't they?
More kool aid?

Bryan S.:


I understand that, but learning more about the history of the early 20th century puts more of our classic patriotic symbols into distaste.

I found you guys via Inktank back then, and have been following you since. cant say I like all of it, but Ive liked enough to make it part of my daily rotation :)


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 7, 2010 12:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Charles Rangel.

The next post in this blog is Book Cover Illustration Idea.

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