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Book Cover Illustration Idea


This one would be essays about the romance of the road.


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Comments (8)

Tom Wms.:

Hey John, I think I have been in that back seat. It involved a semi-cute girl on a warm summer night at an undisclosed drive-inn.

How's that for "...romance of the road"?

john cox:


YES....that would qualify, yet I was thinking more on the lines of the sense of exhileration that comes with an open road map and few days on your hands. I believe it to be a rite of passage for every young American buck to experience endless asphalt mystically unscroll beneath their beloved iron horse.


Dunno John. That "Confidential" part has some undertones....that don't readily translate to 'open road driving'. I with Tom on this one, summer of '67. Toni, of the blond hair, blue eyes, 16 years old......


Oh, forgot to add, '57 Chevy Nomad Wagon.



I beg to differ.

There's a difference between "romance of the road" & "in heat in a field/parking lot". ( :

Tom Wms.:

G: I hope you were under 18 in 1967.



It doesn't matter now. The statute of limitations has run out in all 50 states.

In my state, they can still get you if you're under 18, & there's this "3 year age gap" thing when they're 17. Fortunately for me, even when I was 16, teen-aged girls didn't appeal to me all that much. Some of them were lookers, but they were the silliest acting creatures on the face of the earth. As long as I've been old enough to notice, I've always liked full grown women.

The problem is that as soon as I reached the age of the women I'd always been attracted to, they started chasing little punk boys.

Tom Wms.:

T: I understand your pain. I'm at the point in my life when a pretty young woman smiles at me, I don't know if she is flirting or just being kind.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 20, 2010 7:01 PM.

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