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Having received the honor of paricipating as a judge (along with the esteemed Chris Miur and the distinguished Damon Shackelford) in this design competition, I'd like to congratulate the winners of C. Blake Powers "COOKING WITH THE TROOPS" logo contest:
First place: Tyler Scout
Second place: Erin Ingram
Third place: Pia Cantoni
Well done, gang. So glad to see your energy and creativity going towards such a worthy effort.
And a hearty shout-out to all the other worthy contestants who made this design competition a high-quality affair.
An oldie but goodie from the Cox and Forkum days, July 4th, 2003.
I hope you'e surrounded by friends and family that can cherish the magnificence of liberty without fear, ambition without obligation and loyalty without guilt.
HAPPY 234th Y'ALL!
I came across one of my figure drawings and thought this would make an evocative visual for one my favorite books.
I enjoy 'shopping a small watercolor study and blowing it up to fit a large space. It's interesting to me how simply sizing a piece way up reveals an emotional depth the smaller piece (4" x 6") can't approach.
I was recently commissioned to do this illustration for Andrew Ian Dodge's up-coming techno-thriller. This is a follow-up to his previous novel, "And Glory".
Renowned firer of managers and one of the titans of American League ownership, Steinbrenner took the flagging Yankee legacy of the 70's and personally ushered in the Age of Ginormous Contracts. With 7 World Series titles to his credit, Steinbrenner's tenure in The National Pastime will always cast a large shadow on the business of professional baseball.
And from the man himself:
"Don't talk to me about aesthetics or tradition. Talk to me about what sells and what's good right now. And what the American people like is to think the underdog still has a chance."
BIG NOTE: Atlanta's own Brian McCann knocked in the winning runs for the National League All-Stars and was was named the game's MVP. The NL victory broke a losing streak that lingered since 1996.
The Baseball Gods are smiling....
I thought I'd have a little fun with the classic "Jumble" puzzle format. Once you've solved the four anagrams, re-arrange the circled letters to answer the cartoon riddle. (Thought I should explain this for my foreign friends.)
Feel free to leave your answers in the thread. Have fun! (Bonus points if you can use the five words in a single, coherent sentence.)
Inspired by the Police song of the same name.
His music? Love it. His style? Provocative. His grasp of reality? Not so much.
I gave myself the chance to play with a page design based on a narrow, vertical illustration. I'd like to have a shot at doing this kind of work where the art and type make for a fresh reading experience.
This is some cartoon work for a dear family member who is launching a series of tales about Vinny the Vampire, a kid-friendly romp through a whimsically macabre neighborhood.
The next several posts will be a stroll through Cox and Forkum land while I'm away on vacation. Hope you enjoy looking back.
Continueing to pull up some of my favorite Cox and Forkum toons....
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
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August 2010 is the next archive.
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