Conan's in Town
Late Night with Conan O'Brien is coming to the Tabernacle to put on some shows during the Final Four.
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Late Night with Conan O'Brien is coming to the Tabernacle to put on some shows during the Final Four.
It's here and I can feel my pulse again; baseball is BACK.
And may I highly recommend enjoying it on radio. Here's my "Top NIne Reasons to Stay In and Do It Marconi Style":
9...Sit where you like, I mean ANYWHERE.
8...You'll never have that urge to brain the fathead next to you who won't shut the hell up about his team's idiotic stats: HE AIN'T THERE.
7...No moronic antics and inane music between innings. If you can't stand the radio ads, kill the volume when they invariably pop up.
6...Can't beat the ticket price.
5...The beer and hotdogs you're eating didn't cost the price of a small sedan.
4...Your imagination fills in the game if you've ever played it growing up. I believe the game is MORE vivid.
3...Toilet access is MUCH better.
2...The opportunity to engage in another project while keeping track of game details. I love drawing in my sketchbook during broadcasts (I did this sketch during tonight's Braves game against the Phillies)
1...If the game stinks, CLICK and grab another beer.
You're welcome.
This goes out to my favorite Aries, still rockin' the baritone. Have fun today!
American dream
Nurtured by a Wall Street sun
Too intense for some.
Heaven just got funnier. Godspeed.
This is the poster I illustrated and designed for talented composer M.Zachary Johnson announcing the maiden performance of his ambitious opera, "The Boston Tea Party".
I want to thank Mr. Johnson for the opportunity to lend a hand to such a heart-felt project and wish him the sincere accolades he deserves.
For those in the New York City area, check out his site of up-dates, performance times and general artistic backgrounds of the cast.
I was invited to spend last weekend up near Clayton, Ga, just about on the North Carolina border. A few rambling miles from my friend's lovely home,the wonderfully picturesque Tallulah River hurtles through boulders the size of Winnebagos on it's way to the Chattooga.
I perched on its lichen-covered outcroppings and spent Saturday afternoon sketching.
I did this work for Martin Lindeskog, an entertaining blogger out of Gothenburg, Sweden. He enjoys discussing and promoting American ideals and his line of tea beverages over at
I'll be submitting this design and illustration for the very popular Decatur Craft Beer Festival held at the Square downtown October, 19th. It's an open competition for artists of all stripes. The winner gets beer and a little pocket money AND the overwhelming notoriety that rivals a Pillsbury Bake-off victory.
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at]
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