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Commissioned Art and Design


This is the poster I illustrated and designed for talented composer M.Zachary Johnson announcing the maiden performance of his ambitious opera, "The Boston Tea Party".

I want to thank Mr. Johnson for the opportunity to lend a hand to such a heart-felt project and wish him the sincere accolades he deserves.

For those in the New York City area, check out his site of up-dates, performance times and general artistic backgrounds of the cast.

Comments (8)



Great poster! I will join the Kickstarter campaign and publish the "Farewell to Tea-Time" video on our site, TeaParty.nu.

Thanks again to John for creating the blog banner and logotype for TeaParty.nu!

Doc Al:

They were protesting taxation without representation. Now, we have representation and we still have taxation. Representaiton comes and goes - taxation was, is, and always will be. Happy April 15th.


Very, very nice. As you know, I like this effect--& not one element the least bit off or out of place.

If you don't mind telling, what is the title font? I haven't had an easy time finding good script fonts--that's the best I've seen, & it could be easily altered.

John Cox:

Hey T

Find "Da Font" website. It has a variety of free fonts you can down load. You'll find that typeface under the "script" category. It's called Old "something". Can't quite remember it. I did this piece in January.

John Cox:

Oh yeah. Thanks for the encouraging word. This illustration had a huge grocery list that we had to balance out. Ultimately, I convinced the creative team that the bolder and more direct the illustration got, the better.

Dr. Bob:

Very nice, John

John Cox:

Dr Bob

I appreciate it, sir. Maybe you can tell when a project gets meaty and you can sink the ol' canines.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 15, 2013 12:12 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Jonathan Winters (1925-2013).

The next post in this blog is Say What?.

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