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December 2011 Archives

December 1, 2011

Keeping Track


School kids K-12 are now being tracked in Georgia to maintain education standards. Welcome to Big Government, y'all.

December 3, 2011

Say What?


December 4, 2011

Book Cover Illustration Idea


This is my entry for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday, "BRIGADE".

Ambrose Bierce did not write a book called "The Lost Brigade", but he sure could have.

December 5, 2011

New Strategery


December 6, 2011

Automotive Report Cover


This is the January cover for Automotive Report. The cover article is a collection of quotes that summarizes the automotive industry in 2011.

December 7, 2011



December 8, 2011

Sea Cliffs


This is a 9"x7" composition in which 'shopped two graphite drawings I've done recently. I'd like to turn this into a large oil painting at some point.

December 9, 2011

Illustration Friday Entry: SEPARATED


This is my entry for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday "Separated".

December 10, 2011

Book Cover Illustration Idea


For Your Edification and Enjoyment...

My good friend Sean Minton has created a 5 minute piece that examines Occupy Wall Street and how it has been represented in my satirical artwork.

It's quick, makes thought provoking points and will serve an important function: A grade in his Rhetorical Studies over at Georgia State.


December 11, 2011

Leviticus Pettimore Presents...


December 12, 2011

Say What?


December 13, 2011

and now a word from Benjamin Franklin...


I was commissioned to do this particular "and now a word from..." (8" x 5" on watercolor paper) by my good friend Doug Johnson who has a been a fan of the site for a while. He thought this would make a unique gift for his wife who happens to love a nice glass of wine.

Let me remind you that I'm available for customized versions of ANAWF. The possibilities are endless.

December 14, 2011

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration Idea...


A little spooky for this time of year, but I tend to leap on illustration ideas whether it fits the season or not. Actually, this time of year has an inspirational vibe that comes out in weird ways.

December 15, 2011

Haiku What?


What is a mere fence?
An invitation to pique
The odd picket peek.

December 16, 2011

Commissioned Caricature

8" x10" on watercolor paper

This is for K-Nine, a Civil War re-enactor, whom I had the pleasure of seeing at Eric's Hysteric's last October. Upon seeing the video that featured my work in Sean Minton's college project, he thought it might be fun to have a "fancy monkey with a magic pen" render his caricature as a present for the Holidays.

I must point out that the photograph of K-Nine was shot by the talented Erica Sherman. You can read more about her work on her Flicka site

December 17, 2011

American Portal


December 18, 2011

Illustration Friday Entry: SINK


Go and check out more neat entries over at Illustration Friday.

December 19, 2011



December 20, 2011

Say What?


December 21, 2011

and now a word from Victor Borge...


All I want for Christmas is Victor Borge's sense of humor. Check out some of his classic bits on Youtube.

December 22, 2011

Children's Book Cover Illustration Idea


"Once upon a time,
Alphie, the elf, confronted
the toxic materialism
that undermines the
true meaning of Christmas.

He was roundly castigated and
cast out from his friends and
family, never to be heard from again.


December 23, 2011

Illustrator At Work


These are three stages of a cover illustration I recently did for the magazine, Scout & Engineer. It's a publication dedicated to the discussion of current events via the ideological and philosophical underpinnings of the story.

The cover article is about the view that knowledge is not sinful, but a value that should be highly persued. Pretty obvious, right? No so fast...

The pencil stage is to determine the layout and the overall theme and composition for the cover. This stage has always been the most fun and yet taxing. On one hand I have a perfectly blank space to fill up with no apparent hindrances, yet the responsibility of zeroing in on a given subject matter is the whole point. Here, the direction of the piece is agreed upon by the illustrator and the art director.

The art director doesn't see the next midway stage. But it's here where I make final decisions on placement and emphasis of theme elements. Generally, I prefer doing the tedious (and important) details first because it takes advantage of my initial adrenaline burst. I like to leave the "dessert" for last; the part of the illustration that really drives home my style and approach to the idea.

And, of course, the final. If you look carefully, you can see all the minute changes I made from the midway stage. I put all the lighting effects into play and try to finish with a certain bravado of technique and precision.

And there you have it; the illustration process in three easy steps.

December 24, 2011

Beer Label Illustration Idea


December 25, 2011

Home Invasion



December 26, 2011

Haiku What?


Messenger of gods
Veering between cloud and moon
On a strange breeze borne.

December 27, 2011

Watercolor Study

12"x8" on paper

December 28, 2011



December 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Doc!


Doc Al has a thing for pears. Don't ask...

December 30, 2011

Say What?


December 31, 2011

Ready For Another Spin Around Ol' Sol...


Have fun, y'all, and, of course, look after yourselves. May your 2012 be full of inspiration and glad tidings!


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About December 2011

This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in December 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2011 is the previous archive.

January 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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