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Once a year, a hearty group of us who know Eric, go up to see him and Fiona to celebrate a few birthdays and generally entertain one another with song, refreshment and tales of whackiness. As night falls, the fire pit is lit up and more stories abound (after all, they're bloggers).
Check out the other intriguing "stripey" illustrations over at Illustration Friday.
I had a bit of fun indulging my favorite career fantasy...A TIME MAGAZINE COVER.
A cordial hat tip to Terwiliger for the oddly funny suggestion.
A humble thank you to all that Serve and Have Served. I wish you an inspired Veteran's Day.
Unearthly creature
Whose presence only requires
A humble silence.
This is my entry for this week's theme over at Illustration Friday, "SILENT".
The cover story is about ten recent automotive industry news items that will have a serious impact on car manufacturers and aftemarket service providers.
I'm baaaaaaa-aack.
Went to see the folks and left the site to its own since Tuesday. I'm back at it, ready to contribute my daily dose of wackiness.
Hope your Thanksgiving was inspiring and restful. Thank you, my gentle commenters and partakers, for making this website worth doing well.
Gringrich's rise in the Republican polls bodes well for his neo-conservative strengths. Now the question is, can he attain some sort of symmetry that appeals to The Left?
If you or that special someone would like to be featured in "And Now A Word From...", just make contact at my e-mail address (john555cox@hotmail.com) and we can make arrangements for a caricature with HIS OR HER OWN ORIGINAL QUOTE. For $75 (single images, please), you'll receive the original art and make an appearance right here on "And Now A Word From..." This is a fun opportunity to immortalize your words of wisdom, encouragement, inspiration or that weird little thing you say when things are rockin'.
Neat, huh?
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in November 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.
October 2011 is the previous archive.
December 2011 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.