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Illustration Gig


This is some cartoon work for a dear family member who is launching a series of tales about Vinny the Vampire, a kid-friendly romp through a whimsically macabre neighborhood.


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Comments (6)


Sounds like the kind of guy who grew up in my neighborhood in North Philly.


It's okay -- he only sucks the blood of people who make noise in the library. It's a community service, really.

But in case he gets out of hand, it's important to know that his eyebrows are the source of his unearthly power.


I really like the READ IN PEACE illustration. I think it would be a good official symbol for the Obama Department of Censorship.

At first, the vampire thing bugged me a little bit because of all of the vampire garbage in pop culture... kind of like this might be a "gateway" book...

...but that thought is as stupid as thinking that Harry Potter or Dungeons & Dragons promote satanism.

My mother read all kinds of things to me as a kid, & my parents exposed me to all kinds of books.

I read Uncle Remus stories as well as a little book about a little Indian boy who ended up eating pancakes with tiger butter, & I didn't join the Klan--heck, I'm not even racist.

I read lots of westerns & I'm not a cowboy.

I read the Encyclopaedia Britannica (an older edition--from back before large parts of it were turned into politicized dreck), & I'm not a computer gazillionaire.

I read Mein Kampf & I'm not a Nazi--I'm not even an anti-Semite.

I read the Torah & the Talmud & I'm not Jewish.

I read the Koran & I'm not a terrorist.

I read Nietzsche & I'm not a nihilist, I read Satre & I'm not an existentialist.

Finally, I [quickly] read Dreams from My Father & The Audacity of Hope & I'm not a drooling mome.

Tom Wms.:

It's interesting that the popularity of the vampire culture has grown with B. O.'s blood sucking rein of terror. Coincidence? I don't know.

buy acai berry:

You should give a recommendation of blogs for people like me. I found your site sometime last week when I was researching, however I am not really into the blog scene. I don't think it's because I don't like blogs, but just due to the fact that I'm a little ignorant to them.

Good stuff, thanks!


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 28, 2010 10:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Say What?.

The next post in this blog is A Look Back, #1 (May, 2005).

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