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I combined the three portraits as if they were individual pieces taped to a rustic stone wall. I got a chance to play with trompe l'oeil effects and show my painting stages- sketching, black and white oil study then full color oil study. These technical stages also mimic the developmental stages of a person, too.
36" x 36"
oil on canvas
Special thanks goes out to Mr. Dumont who commissioned the piece and entrusted
me with the concept of such a peculiar portrait.
I was commissioned a couple of months ago to do a portrait incorporating three different ages of the same person into ONE painting.
Remember that time
In Milano...that weird dude
Who kept staring off?
PLEASE NOTE: That's one of my small illustrations I've turned into a fat canvas via Photoshop.
How can Major League Baseball let ONE of this guy's homeruns count? By the way, he apologized WAY TOO LATE. Cardinal's manager La Russa is starting to look like a clown.
I was asked to do the cover art for Andrew Ian Dodge's new book,"And Glory".
The year is 2034. Power lies in Europe with the bureaucrats in Brussels and London is the centre for the Western Provinces.
The Supremo Manipulator of this conglomerate of nations is Pius, with no religious connections and a diminishing hold on power the Union is sustained by nepotism, violence and musical chairs of political appointees. The disintegration of the Union is imminent.
Rob, an English tech nerd together with his accomplice David, have to use their cyborg intelligence to survive in this oppressive Euro society in the Western Provinces. The assassination of Teresa, Rob's girlfriend, and a busload of tourists along with the murder of a Czech student at Hull European University, provide the catalyst for Rob and David's dangerous involvement. Together with their minders, Michaela and Kiara, they head full speed into their deadly adventure. Death is catching.
With a touch of humour, a satirical political edge, characters that you come to know well and a flowing writing style take the reader through a techno thriller deep into the 21st century. We see the ambivalence of the revolutionaries, who never intended serious action, faced with orders to destroy and kill. Europe will never be the same again …
This the February cover for Allen Forkum's Automotive Report. The cover article is about how vendors work to bring shops unique services and products.
Who's in a new relationship out there?
(And yes....it's another take on a Bill Watterson book cover.)
I 'shopped my March 3, 2008 post "Shadowplayer" and found an image from one of my reference books in which I inserted a portion of the painting.
48" x 36"
oil on canvas
This is the first of a new group of paintings I've finished that are themed around the words that describe my painting process. This body of work is called "Painting Is a Verb".
This one goes out to Bill Andrew, a great source of acerbic wit.
Talk about Mass. appeal....
Mr. Rye commissioned me to to design and illustrate the banner for his new blog. He suggested a particular direction and I just ran with it.
By the way, look up the word "ketosis". You'll find it to be a hint of where he's going with the blog.
48" x 12"
oil on canvas (two 24" x12" stretched frames joined at center)
This another piece in my new body of work called "Painting is a Verb". These works explore the relationship between words and images using trompe l'oeil techniques.
48" x 24"
oil and graphite on canvas
Another painting from my new body of work, "Painting Is a Verb".
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in January 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.
December 2009 is the previous archive.
February 2010 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.