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Sketchbook Sci-Fi Stuff


Since I'm committed to drawing every day, the sketchbook is a nice catchall for a variety of ideas that don't quite have a place yet in my commercial work. Spending time creating science fiction images is my favorite way of exploring drawing techniques without "copying what I see". I'm at my best when I'm making up and working out all these exotic forms.

Comments (5)


I think you're always at your best John when you have your paints & pallet


Wow! A Zorg MkIV! And if you can afford one of those puppies, you gotta wear the full Danziger suit.

It would be like riding a Harley without full leathers.

That Drube missile would be great for 'finding a parking space'. :)

John Cox:

Hey Yo
I think you're right. Thanks for the encouraging word.

How is the Israeli press handling the outlook of a possible sit-down with Palestinians?


My attempts at a comment [RE: My first exposure to Sci-Fi art] are too long.

So, a thought for practice [for anyone who draws]:

Every now & then, take one of these & imagine subjecting it to a strong, uni-directional light--high & to one side--& shade accordingly. Go as 3-D as possible with the shadows/highlights. Think "Boston album art" kind of light--& run with it.

T again:

If you don't draw (or don't draw well), maybe print out someone else's line art/cartoons & shade those. It'll help shorten your learning curve.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 6, 2013 12:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Bedtime Stories Cover Illustration Idea.

The next post in this blog is Takes Three to Tango.

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