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Book Cover Illustration Idea


Vibing some Steadman and wondering what HST would think of the present administration.

(The title is a play on a '73 Joe Walsh album.)

Comments (5)


I can't decide if Harry would kiss O for getting nationalize healthcare (of a sort) through or kick his ass for everything else.


Damn. Should have been 'nationalized'. Never post before coffee........


Sad that I caught the tile reference before I saw your note on it. Jeez, I'm old. :)



Recognizing the title reference doesn't necessarily make you old--that's the album with "Rocky Mountain Way" on it, & the production was really good.

Can anybody ID the biplane on that album cover? Hint: It's a Sopwith, but it isn't a Camel.

I wanted to riff on Huggie's comment, but my riff is just too wrong.


HST was so TWISTED on the far out left who knows what he'd think (or Joe Walsh for that matter). Jubilant? Not Far Enough? Who knows! I do know he lives on...It's called San Francisco.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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