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and now a word from Anthony Davis...


Comments (10)


Yep, set the bar low.


He is odd; excessive & a little mixed up.

John Cox:



That's a Hesiod quote I facetiously attributed to the Wildcat MVP (I watched last night's K v. L'ville game and was duly impressed).

Happy April 1st.


I did such a doubletake at this I hurt my neck.......
You really got me, John.


Hey John

"He is odd" is Hesiod "slightly mixed up"--& "excessive" by virtue of an extra "d." Drop one "d" from "He is odd," remove the spaces & you have "Heisod," an anagram of Hesiod.

Wordplay. A subtle attempt at letting on that I got the joke while keeping it going.

Man. I hope the other stuff I write isn't so incoherent as to make my first post seem serious. If it does--just when I thought I was close to a breakthrough--I have to face the fact that I've wasted close to half my life & have to start all over--on my way downhill, no less. Gee whiz.

Anyway--Happy April 1st, everybody.


I know "T" seems a bit schizo in that the tone of "his" writing isn't completely consistent, but "T" is for the most part consistent with my ideals. "T" has been a bit of a test persona to refine my writing style (who in "real life" is a non-confrontational teddy-bear--& who, for the most part, is a pacifist until pushed WAY too hard).

John Cox:

Subtle! Thanks for the explanation. I think you returned the favor, eh?

Dr. Bob:

All that's left to say here is my head hurts.


Yeah, that turned into a neat reverse April Fool's joke, T! :) Fit pretty well, too.

G's comment was my first thought on seeing the quote, though G is always more pithy than I can first think.

Good one, John.

And now we can all breathe a sigh of relief that the social acceptability of trusted friends lying to us is over. Happy Day After April Fools Day, everyone! :) What a glorious day it is.



By that definition of April Fools Day, every day is a Fools Day for some folks. As an example, refer to "The Road We've Taken."


Heh, yeah, Obama's recent "The Road We've Traveled" did peg the BS meter several times. I guess we'll find out in November how many people still trust them.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2012 9:03 AM.

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