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CD Cover Illustration Idea


Comments (4)


Bet that CD packs a wallop!

On another note, the pilots flying those BUFFS today weren't even born when the planes were built.


"On another note, the pilots flying those BUFFS today weren't even born when the planes were built."
And yet the politicians seem to think they are okay for our military. They wouldn't even get into a commercial plane that old.
Even the B1 is too old to fly commercial.


I'd feel safer on an in-service B-52 than an airliner (no worries about certain radicals for which there is no PC descriptor). Plenty of B-52s have been retired; several B-1s.

Mil-spec for heavy equipment is WAY in excess of commercial-grade, military doesn't have the "profit consideration," & military planes are perpetually maintained/upgraded as long as they're in service. More economical to build commercial aircraft relatively cheap & disposable (also keeps things looking "up-to-date" for the sheeple).

Neat illustration. Would be a good cover for a compilation disk of inspirational & "psyche-up" tunes--& some good "Thank you" anthems for the men & women in uniform.

Yo Menashe:

Nice, John.



John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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