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I've been reading Karl Marlantes' "Matterhorn". I'm swept away by the Marine Corps dedication to honor and loyalty among BOYS who fought in such a harsh and unforgiving landscape against such a fervid, ruthless enemy.

Comments (5)

John Cox:

I'm fascinated with the soldiers' commitment to duty and the will to seek valor.

Dr. Bob:

Excellent quote - the art matches it well.


I haven't read that one but it brings to mind similar stories.

Some see it as an eagerness for war but it's not really. They seek the greatest meaning. They seek to test their courage. Because until you face life threatening crisis and react, you don't know who you are. You hope but you are just made of words. Action defines you.


I really like the illustration.

I have a hard time stomaching the reports from Vietnam where companies took territory--only to be told to surrender it--& then have to take it again--in some instances multiple times (as much as it bugs me that sorry so-&-sos faked injuries for purple hearts, premature discharges, sugar mamas, & regressive/progressive political careers).

I'm surprised that the infantry didn't join the VC & turn their guns 180 degrees. God bless & keep the soldiers who do their duty in spite of know-nothing political hacks.

As for the quote: Generally, I like Montaigne, but his willingness to sacrifice content to turn a good-sounding phrase (valor & courage are synonyms) bugged me (just a little bit).

John Cox:


Thought-provoking input. Thank you.

To me, the difference between VALOR and COURAGE seems to be the morality invested in the former, while the latter is the act of overcoming fear.

IMHO valor requires courage. Courage, in the strictest sense, doesn't require valor.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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