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Say What?


Comments (17)


Spoken to lowly to himself with a sharp, taught-lipped Midwest affect (also heard in parts of New England):

"Sir Sheldon the Destroyer shall be the most excellent dweeb in attendance at the sci-fi convention courtesy of his most gnarly havelock crafted from his grandma's antique broqueted pillow cover."


That should be "Spoken lowly to himself..." DOH!!!

John Cox:

Hey T

Weird, dramatic and nerdy....kudos, sir

John Cox:

"I don't care what you calculated, I STILL like the Packers and four."

John Cox:

"I see by the smirk on your recepticon nodule you find my plot to overthrow the Intergalactic Pastry Consortium not worth taking seriously. Well, my vacuous voltage monkey, I'll shall have the final laugh as you plead for the last Mint Patty Squooshy!"

Ed B:

And when you do find that bastard Han Solo, be extra careful. He tends to shoot first!


Yeah, I know there's no plaque in your honor or anything, but come on---in five thousand years, do you really think anyone is going to believe we built those pyramids ourselves?


John was never the most popular guy. Growing up he had to invite himself to parties, only to wind up locked in some closet with the ugliest girl there (well, girl if he was lucky that night).

When he'd graduated college and managed to achieve some measure of professional success he swore those days were behind him. He even had enough confidence to grow out his facial hair in the first fledgling demonstration of personal awareness and preference.

Little did he suspect that the invitation to the "Dress as your favorite wise man" party was nothing but an elaborate prank set to resurrect the persecution demons from his past...


Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, in a mind-boggling display of stupidity, decides that his High Office requires a 'uniform' commensurate with his stature as 'leader'. Taking a leaf from the prior Chief Justice, he designs his own after watching "1001 Arabian Nights".

Ed B:

Hey GF,

All well and good, but how do you explain Nancy Pelosi in the picture?


Envious? :) Harry wanted to show her first.

Now she REALLY is upset over losing the House. Something about wearing a crown.

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He's an accomplished artist! Start with that! LOL!

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Hola. Me alegra haber encontrado este sitio web, realmente llegue a el por error, ya que estaba navegando en yahoo sobre algo diferente, sin embargo estoy aquĆ­ y sin duda me gusto dar con el. vez hacer un comentario sobre ello en mi blog y mi punto de los visitantes de su camino. Gracias.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 31, 2011 12:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Book Cover Illustration Idea.

The next post in this blog is and now a word from Benjamin Franklin....

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