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Illustration Gig


Philip Chalk (design director) at The Weekly Standard used my caricature of Ayatollah Khamenei in this week's issue (page 13).

Comments (7)

THAT'S GREAT, John, did he give you credit?


It was a good article and an important analysis, John, thanks. I wouldn't have seen it had you not made this post.





But Barack is so articulate... he speaks so well... the foreigners love him... & he obviously has so much more grace than every president who has preceded him.

Take, for example, his brilliant gift to the Queen (a pimped-out Ipod loaded with "The Best of BHO").

What the press didn't report is that the Queen took it in stride & treated the gesture with the respect it deserved.

That night, she held a private dinner...

...a fish fry (Brit-style, replete with chips & rapped in newspaper)...

...and she gave Obama three gifts that would appropriately illustrate his gaff...

...a kitchen clock on a gold chain, a viking helmet, & a grill made with select jewels from the royal collection.

Cheeky dame.


Congratulations. I love it that you are getting more exposure.


Congratulations, John. I love it that you are getting more exposure.


Congratulations, John. I love it that you keep getting more exposure.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 3, 2009 2:31 PM.

The previous post in this blog was and now a word from Woody Allen....

The next post in this blog is SOUTHERNESS.

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