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Second Dude In-Waiting...


I'm utterly fascinated with the prospect of Todd Palin being the Second Dude. You know the guy has this Grizzly Adams vibe and I keep wondering how he might fare in the glitzy microscope of THE CENTER OF THE FREE WORLD.

Comments (6)

Tom Wms.:

Hey John:

I haven't seen the Grizzly Adams thing in Todd Palin, but he is definitely rugged. I keep asking myself, "What is he thinking through all of this?"

Here are some ideas:
1. "Man, there goes my racing career!"
2. "I wonder if they'll let me keep my guns in DC."
3. "This necktie is killing me. I hope I don't have to wear one every day."
4. "Damn, she looks hot up there!"
5. "I wonder if they'll let me keep my job?"
6. "Being a registered Democrat, I don't know WHO to vote for now."
7. "Damn, she looks hot up there!"


Spot on.


How about "He says one more nasty thing about Sara and I'm going punch his lights out!"

Tom Wms.:

GarandFan - I'd pay a quarter to watch that fight!

Steve M:

I'm liking the 'Matt Mahurin effects' applied to a shifty looking caricature here. Bravo!


I installed the "Mahurin Button" in my PhotoShop recently.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 15, 2008 4:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 'Tis the season....

The next post in this blog is INNER LIFE.

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