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Going to Finish


This is the final for that pencil I did about a week ago. I got a kick out of how they just cut me loose on this and kept all the nuances I suggested.

Comments (9)

C'mon, man. I know I'm a pretty man, but why you gotta go there? lol



Lotta different messages in there, you sly dog. :o)


This is a great model John! Since I'm here in Denver, maybe I could get some real pinatas made and sell them downtown during the DNC convention! Should be a hot seller. Especially since the good citizens here are already pissed at the DNC cause they're already not meeting (and won't meet) their cost reimbursement obligations(i.e. they lied). John I'll send you half the proceeds to add to that whopping fee you got for the drawing!


Not sure how to break this to you, but... well...



Yowza. I guess I'll pass this photo along and see what happens.

If there's some sort of copyright infringement, I'm sure we'll find out and act accordingly.

Steve M:

John-I wouldn't sweat any copyright thing-that phrase is used on tons of mechandise from many different vendors-see


Your design and drawing is different (and better!) enough from what exists.


Thanks for the positive word. I discussed with the screen printer and he stated the same sentiment.

I just don't like the possibility of being accused of filching ideas. We both know that common phrases flood the t-shirt business. And I know my take on the pinata is significantly different from what's out there. It's just a little disconcerting when I catch wind of similar art out there.

How many times did Allen and I see our editorial ideas "pop up" in other political cartoons? ALOT. Certain themes are used time and time and time again.......like t-shirts.


I'd still hit that!


That is demented! I love it!


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 24, 2008 7:09 PM.

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