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Stephen Leacock (1849-1944) was a Canadian humorist. That's right...CANADIAN.

Comments (8)


Canadian's got humor?


Candian comedians:

Aykroyd, Dan
Candy, John
Carrey, Jim
Michael J. Fox
Hartman, Phil
Kids In The Hall
Levy, Eugene
Little, Rich
MacDonald, Norm
Mandel, Howie
Mochrie, Colin
Moranis, Rick
Myers, Mike
Nielsen, Leslie
Rhea, Caroline
SCTV - Comedy troupe
Short, Martin

Don' forget Celine Dion and Helen Reddy. HILARIOUS!


Yes, Anonymous, I'm well aware of the COMEDIANS, they do very well in this country. My original statement was
"Canadian's got humor?"


Or is it that I just know too many French Canadians?


Notice that the Canadian Comics all migrated South to make their fame and fortune. Apparently it is much easier to survive as a comedian in the US than in Canada. This fact is proven by comics such as Carrot Top and Rosie still having careers


Helen Reddy??

On what planet is Helen Reddy Canadian??


OOOPS. Just had a certain "truthiness", I guess.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 30, 2007 2:15 PM.

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