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and now a word from Achilles...


Comments (9)


Achilles...one of the original "over-achievers".

Ed B:

Hector. What a drag.

Doc Al:

Achilles. What a heel.

John Cox:

Hey Doc

ZING! You worked in his famous eponymous anatomical affliction. Neat.

John Cox:

Hey Ed

The Achster dragged The Big H around the city of Troy. HAH.


Homer. "Mmmm... grease."

John Cox:

Hey T


Dr. Bob:

This stuff is Greek to me.

Never got into mythology - just couldn't keep track on the gods and goddesses, their relatives and their many inter-relationships and who was mad at who for whatever reason at the time.

Sort of like Homer being a predecessor to daytime TV soap operas.

Now, there's a million-dollar idea - teach mythology as if it were a TV soap opera.


Homer again. "Mmm... 𝛱."


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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