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In Memoriam


Based on the suggestion of my good friend, Doc Al.

Comments (11)


I was a kid when I watched the moon landing on TV with my family. While many hailed it as a monumental achievement, other people (like Nicholas Von Hoffmann of the "New York Times") derided it as a waste of taxpayers' money that could have been spent on "human needs" (i.e., the government-funded dependency culture). I still think that there are people like Neil Armstrong around - you just won't find them working for "the Government".

Tom Wms.:

The loss of Neil Armstrong: One small for mankind (backwards), one giant step for Neil Armstrong.


Then there really is water on the Moon...

Thanks for being, Neil


Perfect tribute.

Doc Al:

Great job, John. Better than I imagined it.


It's ethereal to me when these old-guard icons go on. Since I didn't know Mr. Armstrong, I don't really feel grief, per se--but it certainly seems like America's character is fading--& fast.


I'm pretty sure Hoffman was Washington BLEEP, although it is pretty much pointless to make a distinction between the two.


John's good that way.

Dr. Bob:

Doc Al - great idea.

John - great execution.

Johnny Logan:

It was a strange moment for me... My family was involved with aerospace in those years. My grandfather was one of the engineers that helped to develop the landing system for both the Gemini and Apollo spacecraft, and my father later worked as a design engineer on the space shuttle heat tiles. My childhood was spent watching these men climb into these crazy machines "just to see what she'll do." It was a time of great men doing great things. Oh, and cool names, too.

Neil Armstrong.
Pete Conrad.
"Gus" Grissom.
Roger Chaffee.
Ed White.
"Jack" Swigert.
Al Shepard.
Clarence "Kelly" Johnson. Jack Northrop.
Ben Rich.

The passing of an era.

Yo Menashe:

WOW -- this is the best and most moving tribute I've seen.


John Cox:

Hey Yo
Thanks for the encouraging word. I'm sure Al appreciates it, too.

It's always a stirring moment when a giant of American history passes away.


"You never visit any more."


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 26, 2012 12:01 AM.

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