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Book Cover Illustration Idea


This would be the Mad Hatter's memoires that controverts Alice's account of her sojourn in Wonderland.


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Comments (8)


At last! I must know why a raven is like a writing desk. Of course, Alice probably misheard him. I'm sure she got a lot wrong. I bet his last name isn't even Hatter.


Seems everyone but Lewis Carroll KNEW Alice was a pathological liar, and often dabbled in 'experimental drug therapy'.

Rumor has it that she had the biggest 'schroom' collection in town.

john cox:


I, too, always suspected Alice went down the hole with twisted intentions. If she ever was going to dabble in altered states, why chase a tardy rabbit down a grungy hole?

The Hatter HAD to realize this flouncy blonde was going home with flakey stories.


Cool idea.

It would probably take a twisted mind to write it... somebody who's familiar with the story & a really good writer, but not one of those PhD intellectual wanker types...

...But isn't that the title of the first chapter in the "other" book?

john cox:


Probably. This is not a serious thing. Just playing with ideas.


Serious or not, it's still a very cool idea.


I just wish more people knew that the tag in the Hatter's hat was a PRICE, not a size.


Could also double as a Tom Petty album cover.

("album cover" of course being an all-inclusive word for CD jackets and iTune screens-but you know what I mean.)


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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