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Sketch Book

10" x 10"
graphite on board

This not about patriotic blindness. More about how "Americaness" filters and colors everything we see in world events. How it seems inevitable and unapologetic.

Comments (29)


I think I know what you mean. It's like looking at the world from a "Pro-Liberty, Pro-individual rights, Pro-republic" perspective, isn't it?


I guess there's moral certitude that pervades my idea of what America stands for. It's under attack and I wonder if "thinking globally" is code for American capitulation.


Looks like a Guantanamo detainee wondering if he will ever be subjected to trial or if he will just be left rotting in a cage.
Gess dont't agree at all with your ideas, but lika your drawings though.


Makes me remember all those drawings with Uncle Sam in them. I keep the one you used on the cover of B&W world II as my wallpaper.

Inspiring. Keep it up.


I thought this was another great example of this concept, however I like how yours has his head up rather than down (almost shameful) as in Straub's.



Straub's is much scarier with the real focus on oppression. I know my piece has a certain dark mood to it, but I was actually trying to flip the concept of the blindfold.....more like a filter or mindset.

Definietly an image concept that comes with baggage....

John Cunningham:

...that comes with baggage, somehow I don't mind the baggage.


What we sometimes forget, is that, it's not a scene of everyone else in the world without their filters, and only American's with these filters on, but every culture has their own filter. So..it's like an image with multiple people..each with their own filter.

Nice one, John. Heh, the truth is that could be any other flag. We all tend to see the world through our values. Don't get me wrong, though: not all values have the same "value", if you know what I mean.

Freedom and democracy are the most important. And yes, "thinking globally" is code for American capitulation. Never think too "globally".



I love the thought, but I would have preferred being able to see his eyes thru the flag. That would give it a flavor of a filter, rather than a blindfold.

On the other hand, you're the artist, and I'm the civilian in that sense.

Keep up the good work! Your stuff is absolutely amazing.

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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