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Comments (11)


I often write notes to myself as reminders.

Then, when I read the note later, I have no idea what it means.


Have you been spying on my "To Do" list?

Yo Menashe:



John Cox:

Hey Gang

I leave written reminders everywhere. I think I've written reminders to write a reminder later on.

Ed B:

Roll it up and smoke it. Then you'll have a doobie-do list.


I tried to simplify things by consolidating my stack of partially completed to-do lists & coordinating my life on a single flowchart. I think I may have created a wormhole to an alternate dimension, & no matter what I do, I'm losing ground in every direction as my little vortex gets sucked into the black hole of the economy.

My PC & my sanity are just about all I have left, & according to some, I'm "not contributing my fair share."


"I don't use drugs. My imagination is frightening enough." - M. C. Escher (slight redux)

Dr. Bob:

The ability to create a to-do list and then to ignore it shows that you have control over your to-dos, instead of the opposite of your to-do's controlling you!

John Cox:

#8...move to Washington.


#9... F___ it. Squeeze in 9 holes, blame everything that doesn't get done and resulting fallout on obstructionist Republicans. Media will run with that.


"To Do Lists"

Do they have an ap for that yet?


G, I hope you're being facetious.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 29, 2012 12:04 AM.

The previous post in this blog was and now a word from Warren Zevon....

The next post in this blog is Character Study: ALIENS.

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