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and now a word from William T. Sherman...


Comments (7)


Ein brerah.

John Cox:

Hey T

Hebrew for "no alternative"? Tried looking it up and that's as close as I got.

Heartening sentiment.

T again:

Ein brera.

I should have looked it up myself--I used an alternative (& much less common, therefore probably wrong) anglicized version.

I "learned" what little Hebrew & Greek I know when I was a teenager (self-taught), & I didn't do well with languages then. As it turns out, there are much better methods than used in "my" gubmint skrool: Whooda thunk it?

I learned it as "There is no choice." It's been a well-known guiding principle since Jewish reestablishment in Judea. Given the status of world affairs, I thought it a relevant to the quote for more than one reason.


Willie was always the life of the party, just don't make him mad!


Yup! Old Tecumseh new the long term political implications of bring "Total War" on your enemy.

Old Hussein...well...let's just say the rules of engagement are "Complicated"!

Dr. Bob:

Folklore has it that Sherman was the first in history to use the phrase "burn baby, burn".


However, Dr. Bob, it is lost to history if he follwed that with "Disco Inferno."


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2012 12:17 AM.

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