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Comments (7)


No more to what point?


Got ta love Shaw.


"Instead of doing honest and respectable work and behaving [myself] as [an] ordinary citizen, [I] go about the world possessed by a strange gift of tongues--in my own case almost exclusively confined to the English language--uttering all sorts of extraordinary opinions for no reason whatever." - George Bernard Shaw

John Cox:

Hey Z

The way I appreciate the quote is how a true believer is mistaken in his prejudice just like a skeptic is mistaken for his faithless scoffs.

Each tries to validate their views with obstinate stances, striving for a "happiness" based on inflexible insight.

I think Shaw is suggesting that extremism, in any form, does not promote contentment.


I like your way of appreciating it, John. :)

A belief in pleasant lies is like a drunk's superficial happiness -- ripe for a rude awakening by reality. "lies" being the important bit Shaw assumes.

My initial reaction was closer to T's -- by way of quoting the guy himself! Well done, T.

T again:

I wouldn't necessarily call that "my reaction" to the Quiptoon quote. It's just something I remembered & thought might be agitatingly funny.

Dogmatism certainly drives me nuts, & it seems to pervade every field. It's just a question of whether the dogmatists realize they are being dogmatic or not.


I didn't read the quip until I stopped laughing at the picture, then I laughed twice as hard.

I figure G/d knows his own and he's more interested in how I treat other living beings than he is in the cuss words I use when I cut my finger.

And "T again" most dogmatists know they're not being dogmatic.... because they're convinced they're right.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 16, 2012 4:03 PM.

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