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and now a word from Cristobal Colon...


I've been reading up on Colon's extraordinary life, discovering myth after myth that is nothing but hype and overzealous PR. (Sheesh, he's NOT even ITALIAN. His folks were Spanish and he only grew up in Genoa.)

Comments (14)


Christopher Columbus wasn't Italian? Weird. I thought I recall a lineage in Genoa.

Alas, history and PR overlap quite a bit.

The Peter Marshall/ David Manual book The Light and The Glory has a well written chapter or two on Columbus. Their style really puts you on the boat.

Dr. Bob:

Just an insistent flam-flam carpet-bagger schemer. Sort of the ancient equivalent of Kirby vacuum salesmen.

Maybe they gave him the money for his voyage hoping he'd get lost and not bug them anymore.

Just kidding.

I suppose I should pull out my copy of the Light and the Glory, but I'm not at all certain I'll find it in the vast mess known as the Chateau l'Chien.

Oooo, nice plot! How about a trickster slash accident-prone raven? :) His bumbling only occurs when he's doing something wicked to her, like part of him doesn't want to do it.

So far she does seem credulous but not stupid. She expects she's in a trite story of good and evil but she's wrong. Let's see where everyone takes us.

Thanks for share this excellent information with us i’ll never forget this type of information and tells others about it! Thanks once again.


Goodness, I didn't realize I'd feel so violated by that spambot duplicating my comment.

Hmm... maybe I can sue for copyright infringement! Or someone can sue on my behalf, 'cause I'm kinda lazy.


Got to admit, he was one hell of a cruise director!

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According to Wikipedia (which we all know is a highly reliable & completely unpoliticized source of information) he was born in Genoa to Spanish parents. If that were true, would it make him an "anchor baby"?


Which book(s) are you reading?

I've been reading up on Colon's extraordinary life

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Perhaps if you got your web guru to eliminate the URL blank from the submission form, they might go away.

John Cox:


Nothing heavy. Just a fun tome by Stephen Marlowe called "Memoires of Christopher Columbus".


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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