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and now a word from Ty Webb...



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Comments (7)

Carl Spackler:

It's in the hole! It's in the hole! It's in the hole!


The first part of that movie is hilarious, but it falls apart about half way through.

When I was a peon at a golf course (& a scratch handicap), we used to love loudly reciting the lines from Mr. & Mrs. Havercamp at the slowpokes (who acted like they owned the place) in front of us (& who wouldn't let anybody play through):


"That was a peach, hon. Oh golly--I'm hot today!"

A foursome (1) riding in carts (2) with no one in front of them (3) that takes 4 hours to play 9 holes (4) on a short public course deserves to have their round made as miserable as everybody else they're holding up.


Bark like a dog!

Dr. Bob:

"A foursome (1) riding in carts (2) with no one in front of them (3) that takes 4 hours to play 9 holes (4) on a short public course deserves to have their round made as miserable as everybody else they're holding up."

Well, I'd say teeing up before they are out of range might provide them a little incentive to allow you to play through. Or hit to the green while they're lining up their putts. In both cases yell fore before of course to cover your backside.


That works too... there were quite a few fly-bys... we'd air-mail them by a good 40 yards... but usually we didn't yell "fore"... we just held up four fingers, as they complained about the noise.

One of the best ones ever... playing with a buddy & his boss on a course I didn't often play... cold, damp fall day, maybe 10 people total on the course... a twosome was dilly-dallying around their cart on a 360 yard par 4... waited for them to move, but they wouldn't... called ahead for them to move, & they yelled back there was no way we could hit it that far... lined up at the cart, let 'er rip, & yelled "fore" as fast as I could (got all of it)... buzzed them en route to the back fringe--& that was with a persimmon driver (now I'm lucky to get 270 yards with a titanium giganticus)... anyway, that twosome played the next two holes in about 4 minutes... never saw them again. It's hard to play golf when you can't stop laughing.


Hey T! I've got a way to clear the course in front of you....but it's probably illegal!



That reminds me of the time we hosted a Postal Workers tournament. They had a machine gun start.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 3, 2010 6:31 PM.

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