T-Shirt Idea
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THUSDAY, at lunch
Mary Carapoulis sneezed on Jeffrey Balco's tuna and peanut butter sandwich. She told me she's allergic....to certain cooties incubating on a certain boy who is so utterly unpopular that her nasal passages flare into a snotty rage.
You might be aware that only one or two veterans are still alive from WWI. And the countdown has a certain gravitas that makes one introspective.
One day Woodstock will have such a countdown and I'll be laughing my ass off.
This is a real book cover for a work on how the free market is having a hard time catching on in Russia.
If I ever own a bookstore...
I came across a few baseball pieces I did a few years ago and I think they have a certain romance and nostalgia that is refreshing.
This is the first of four pieces I did based on America's Pastime. Look for the rest of them this week.
10" x 8.5
This is the second piece of a series on baseball I did a few years back.
10" x 8.5
This is the third piece of a series on baseball I did a few years ago.
10" x 8.5"
Fourth and last piece in this baseball series I did a few years ago.
I thought this group of work would be fun to offer up. Please note that the pieces are laser prints and ARE NOT MATTED AND FRAMED. I just wanted to show what they could look like on a den wall.
The bids are for all FOUR pieces only. Please, no offers for individual pieces.
SPECIAL NOTE: There are no reproductions of these prints. This collection is the whole sh-bang.
(from top left, going clock-wise)
Old School: Wet One (10" x 8.5", laser print), signed by artist
Old School: Stretch (10" x 8.5", laser print), signed by artist
Old School: Dispute (10" x 8.5", laser print), signed by artist
Old School: Thievery (10" x 8.5", laser print), signed by artist
PLEASE BID IN INCREMENTS OF $10.00 ($10, $20, $30....etc)
(the official time is the time stamp on my comments thread)
Hope you guys have fun with this and good luck!
Auction for the baseball series ends at noon EST Saturday the 22nd. Please leave bids in the comment thread.
I know, I know.....
I wanted to do this illustration to present a tough question: Is our interest in Afghanistan beyond current American financial practicality? Your thoughts.....
It seems a clever song parody on YouTube included my caricature of Obama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IQSbJUj7u8
So passes a very influential man whose legacy will echo among the halls of the Senate.
72" x 18"
oil on canvas
This is recently finished painting that's part of a Southern gothic theme I've been developing for my October 3rd show at Sylvia's 120 Sycamore Place Gallery. I'm titling the show "The Southerness".
I have mentioned on my other painting posts that I've been working on a body of work that focuses on my memories growing up in the South. I'm twelve finished pieces into this endeavor and I think it has been a wonderful way to explore the enigmatic nature of this region.
36" x 24"
oil on canvas
Another painting I'll be exhibiting in my Oct 3rd show, "The Southerness".
NOTE: You may recognize this piece from a little graphite study I posted July 21, '09.
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
This page contains all entries posted to John Cox Art in August 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.
July 2009 is the previous archive.
September 2009 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.