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Comments (6)

John Cox:

Feelin' windy?
Do the Lindy.

Feelin' dumba?
Do the Rumba


Yep, harder to hit a moving target.

Dr. Bob:

Can you dance to the theme from Shaft? That seems to be the sounds at my workplace.

Why do I have the urge to reach out and grab "Prancer's" ankle and pull it out from under him?

Tom Wms.:

At the office, Robert P. Smyth, III was know as "Trip, The Light Fantastic".


The Ellen DeGeneres Show. February 28, 2008. From beyond the grave, James Brown tried to warn us.

And that dood it.

Doc Al:

Feelin' schmaltzy?
Do the waltzy.

Feelin' upshot?
Do the fox trot.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2013 5:30 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Ship Shape.

The next post in this blog is L'etat, C'est Moi.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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