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Comments (14)


Yep. Amazing how many "nice" people go off the deep end when given some level of authority over others.

Ed B:

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."

P. J. O'Rourke

Tom Wms.:

Never truer than today.


It is unfortunate that we had to give power to our current Commander in Chief to BEGIN the process of learning about him....

Tom Wms.:

Hey, Grumpus; it's the same mentality as "...you can read this bill after we pass it..."


Might does not, will not, never did, & simply cannot make right...

...but might can make, right or not.

Hi to all, I am selling cheap but quality high end android phones 2.3 version, check it out guys!


I'm selling gravel I picked up on the side of the road. $1,000,000 a piece, no limit. E-mail John if you're interested, & he can post your contact information on his web site (and if anybody takes my customers, they'd better hope I don't find out about it).

Tom Wms.:

Terwiliger: Send me some!



I never thought it would be so easy. I think I may parlay my fortune by creating a telemarketing "easy money system" about my "secret method" "detailing" "how I made my million(s)." I just can't figure out how to price the "system".

I'm bothered by this uneasy feeling there's a flaw or two in my "system" SOMEWHERE. Meh... Why worry? I'm almost rich. First thing I'm gonna buy: one of them fancy suits with question marks all over it.

Anyway... How many would you like? Payment in advance, cash only, please. Non-sequential twenties. Leave it in bright orange garbage bags in the dumpster behind Urban Pie.

Product shipped upon receipt of payment. Not responsible for lost or misdirected funds.

Dr. Bob:

Power? Ah, what's power? I have no idea of what the feeling of power is really like.

Alas, I all too well know the feeling of being completely powerless.

I'm very responsible though. Every time something goes wrong at work or at home, they all say Dr. Bob's responsible.

Tom Wms.:

T: There are many types of gravel to consider, ie: Creek Rock, Crushed Rock (this can be painful), Crushed Stone, Fine Gravel, Piedmont Gravel, Pay Gravel-aka Pay Dirt which contains high concentrations of gold and other precious metals, and my personal favorite-Pea Gravel (White Pea or Yellow Pea).

Consider the information you are going to impart to be "Gravel" and each bit of information is a "Stone". You would then price your information bits on a "Per Stone" basis, for example, $1,000,000 "Per Stone".

You could also market your bits as "Peas", white or yellow. When somebody comes to take a pee, you charge them (more for yellow-just because you can).

Now, if enough people knock on your door to take a pee, I would say you've hit pay dirt. If you get rich with this, remember me in your will.


Did you just read How to Kill 11 Million People by Andy Andrews? So funny cause I read it this morning and this quote was in there. I had just seen this so it was odd to me - their proximity.

It's amazing for me to have a site, which is good designed for my experience. thanks admin


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 11, 2012 9:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was What'll ya have?.

The next post in this blog is Haiku What?.

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