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Comments (8)


Some reason this 'toon reminds me of the story of the three legged pig.


How come 'critics' become unhinged when they are the ones who are criticized?

John Cox:

Hey G

THEN you gotta sweat the criticizers who criticize the critics who've already been criticized for criticizing other critics criticizing other criticizers.

A vicious circle, amigo.


Because some critics define their self-worth by comparison to the flaws they find in others. Not all critics, of course, but perhaps the ones drawn to the job of criticism.

But I'm with John. Don't sweat the critics. Except when they're right. :-) Then improve. Then stop sweating them again.

Dr. Bob:

Frankly, I really don't give a damn about critics and what they think or say, but then I'm not into anything that would be publicly criticized.

I tend to think of critics as arrogant people who judge the work of others without having any demonstrable skills or having produced any quality work of their own.


Ditto Z & the 2nd half of DR. B.

Put the two together & you have a good premise for a book.

Dr. Bob:

When my kids were growing up, we raised a more than a few 4-H feeder pigs. Ours were mixed breeds we purchased, but some had colors of Durocs (reddish), Hampshires (black with white belts), Yorkshires and Polands (white) and some spotted ones as well.

To the kids, their favorite pigs were those which got blue ribbons at the county fair which got premium prices during the ribbon auctions.

Me, I liked them all - love ground pork burgers, pork roasts and bacon...

hmmm... bacon...



I'd like to sink a tooth into some good ol' homemade Southern-style country sausage (not the "store-boughten" stuff).


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 9, 2012 6:49 PM.

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