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Book Cover Idea


This is my idea of up-dating a cover illustration for an all-time classic.

Comments (11)


It's been a long time and I don't have a copy of that around anywhere, but that cover looks very similar to the one that I remember. It's cool though. Can anyone jog my memory?


The book was great. And so was the classic black and white movie. Reaching for the butterfly...


I like the stark colors.


Whoah... the soldier's profile bears an uncanny resemblance to an uncle of mine who "earned" a Purple Heart at the Battle of the Bulge (& served two tours afterwards).

He was an anti-aircraft gunner who outlasted the average combat lifespan of an AAG (which was 8 whole minutes), only to be hit when they dumped him on the side of a frozen mountain with a rifle & the orders, "If the Führer comes this way, do the best you can."

To all of you who took up arms on behalf of the rest of us, I would like to extend immense thanks...

...except, that is, for the p#$$*&$ who claimed fake purple hearts, used false accounts of their service to further their political careers, & put other soldiers in danger by virtue of their out-&-out lies.


I found a picture of that cover that was rattling around in my cobwebs somewhere.



Hey, thanks for passing that along.

I wasn't aware of it, but barbed wire seems like a natural element.

That particular cover looks like it was dipped in the 70's and baked in a 60's kiln. God, did they love orange.

The type is something from a cartoon show.


Interesting that both soldiers have that vacant 1000 yard stare.



Ya that was really bothering me. Like an old ghost. I read that book in Jr. High School, I think. That would have dated that cover (paper back) in the early 70s, but I think it was probably a 60s printing. That would account for the font and color as you surmised.

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John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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