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This would be the cover image for a graphic novel about a race of slaves launched into the far reaches of the cosmos to start a new free society. But the old slavers have other ideas.
The legendary fictional creation by Doyle has been on screen for decades and been performed by dozens of actors who bring their own look to the good detective. I've always been drawn (HAH!) to the Basil Rathbone look.
This is one of the more elaborate illustrations I've done for Allen Forkum's paper. Once we decided on the motif, I discovered the execution would be best handled in Photoshop layers. Each image was it's own layer that I treated with its own specific light treatment.That is, the cards, the hand, the table covering and the extra deck of cards at the top were illustrated individually, then composed as a final cover.
Tip o' the cap to Mr. Doug for a fine suggestion.
John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.
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