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Comments (12)


Interesting quote, and I like very much your interpretation of it. As always your female forms are always so pretty, even with a pencil-head.

John Cox:

thanks, yo


So true.
Running around on vacation if I see something nice I snap a picture.
If I have time for a sketch I SEE something nice.


So true.
Running around on vacation if I see something nice I snap a picture.
If I have time for a sketch I SEE something nice.


Then what is photorealistic painting?

So Photoshop is transcendental.

John Cox:

Hey T

Drawing is drawing. The subject matter or style doesn't define it.

Of course, you're kidding, and it may pose an existential speed bump.d

Hey Donkeyrock

Whew! Another idealogical curveball. Photoshop drawing is another animal, I think. It may have to do with the fact your working with a machine that makes certain decisions for you. Subtle, I know.


It may take me a while but I'm going to change your mind about that "machine making decisions for you". :)
Really like the drawing/quote.

John Cox:

Hey Doug
That wasn't a crack against Photoshop. I loves me some digitally enhanced techniques.

I have certain opinions about old school techniques versus digital layering techniques, but they only accentuate how subjective "drawing" is.

Steve M:

I've done meditative photography and reactive drawing-so take that Bresson!

John Cox:

Hey Steve

Indeed. Any declarative statement is not going to survive true examination. We bring all kinds of exceptions to such hard-edge "truisms".

I happen to aim for a trance-like state when I'm drawing.


"I happen to aim for a trance-like state when I'm drawing."

I do the same thing when I go out shooting.

Or drinking.

But never together.



John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 8, 2013 12:35 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Takes Three to Tango.

The next post in this blog is KiRKWOOD.

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