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100-Word Story by Steve Krodman


Vulgar, yet hilariously thought-provoking, this short little tale is by Steve Krodman, a man of many talents and a gregarious nature whom I had the pleasure to meet a few years ago. He gave me this collection of 100-word stories that he wrote and published under the title, "Shorts in a Wad" (available at his site, Lost In The Cheese Aisle).

I went through it like John Madden through a Brett Farvre highlight film. It was weird, clever and disturbingly funny. I still peek at it now and again because I always think up some illustrations that might match each wonderfully goofy 100-word story.

So I took a shot at this wacky story called Abstract Art. I'm sure I'll do a few more out of curiosity. Designing the page to accommodate the illustration was the biggest challenge. The actual published work, with over a hundred little gems, has no illustrations.

By the way, his book has many sharply crafted tales that DON"T involve bodily functions.

Comments (6)

Doc Al:

Beets first.
Then Milk of Magnesia.
Followed by Blueberries.

Three cheers for the red, white, and blue.


Evidently he has a rather low opinion of Abstract Art. And a rather colorful way of describing it.


Coffee table collector's edition, illustrated by John Cox. I think your layered & fragmented techniques could make the illustrations really rich.

Although, at Pollock prices, I'd expect the yellow to be no less than saffron. ( :


That would be one piece of art that SHOULD NOT be 'scratch and sniff'!

Dr. Bob:

Cute but gross, at the same time.

Very abstract, art... well, maybe...

Agree with T about the collector's edition.

Does Steve have another 100 word story about farting while pumping gas?

John Cox:

Hey Dr Bob

Steve Krodman wrote dozens of amusing, clever little 100-word vignettes. I may have been a bit unfair choosing one that didn't show off his erudite reputation. BUT (sorry) every writer must stand behind his output, if you know what I mean.

Hey T

Given the right circumstances, I'd be willing to bet Mr. Krodman would like a large format for his works, too. I'm going to try a few more and see they stand up to his raucous style.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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