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Ship Shape


Comments (8)


It's a regular Poseidon Adventure.

"I did not suggest full speed ahead... I ordered it."

Dr. Bob:

I hope the Admiral goes down with his ship...

but everyone knows the rats jump off a beleaguered ship before it goes down.

Tom Wms.:

"When I said 'On the rocks', I wasn't talking about Scotch!!!"


Didn't see that coming!


Ya got to wonder. What else has been hidden, and now threatens to surface?

Doc Al:

Quite appropriately, the following lyrics appear in the song "Steady as She Goes":
Settle for a world, neither up or down
Sell it to the crowd that has gathered round.


GarandFan: let's hope it gets into the open as soon as possible. You're all in my prayers.

Dr. Bob:


Thanks for the prayers.

Just remember, what's known thus far is the proverbial tip of the iceberg (interesting imagery for a future cartoon, John) it will get really interesting when high level officials start pleading the 5th amendment - like tomorrow.

Add in an independent investigator, deals for testimony in exchange for immunity and the circus really starts.

The latest wrinkle is that the reporter who broke the story about Fast and Furious and has been heavy into Benghasi has had both her work and personal computers compromised going back to when she started reporting on F&F. If computer forensics can pin that on the administration, I think there are others who would relish throwing Obama under his own bus.

Karma can be a bitch.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2013 4:12 PM.

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