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Marching Band Show


Devon's school is looking for ideas for a t-shirt and such that touts their up-coming season. Their program will feature the music of U2. Doesn't that sound awesome? I've GOT to make one of their performances.

Devon is in his second year there playing baritone.

Comments (3)


John Cox...ROADIE!



I'm trying to imagine how they'd arrange the result of those relentless delay effects "Edge" uses on guitar for marching band instruments. They're simple figures, but it's a wall of sound with the multiple repeats. It would sound amazingly cool to break those lines apart & assign the simpler repeating figures to different sections. The overlapping figures coming from all different directions would be amazing.

Great idea for a show. I hope both you & Devon enjoy it as much as it sounds like I would. I'm not even a U2 fan, but I would REALLY dig this.

John Cox:

Hey T

The band director there at his school is a younger guy who isn't afraid of tackling challenging pop music for a musical program.

How he would arrange a song like "Still Haven;t Found What I'm Looking For" or "Mysterious Ways" could be amazing. I think that's the fascination with cross-instrumentation. I'm sure they wouldn't promote it unless it showed off their abilities,


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2013 12:25 AM.

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