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Say What? (The Expanded Edition)


I thought it might be intriguing to offer up the preliminary sketch for this week's "Say What?" I concentrate on maintaining the spontaneity of the pencil rough when I ink the final. Kinda tricky.

Comments (12)


"Sir, I stopped you because there is an open container in your vehicle."


"Do you know how fast you were sketching?"

Rick :

Drop the speedograph slick you're under arrest.

John Cox:



As usual I'm laughing out loud just at the picture.


Doc Al:

"You Duke Boys will try any disguise to hide from Roscoe P. Coltrane."


"I'm givin' ya a warnin' this time, but if one more sock puppet shows up on a chalk outline, I'm haulin' ya in!"

"I told you back in the rough to make me more like Ponch & to make the scooter a Harley, but if you can tell me where I can get me some good peaches foster funnel cake I'll let you off with a warning."

"PoRK RiNDs?"


"...and bigger tits."


Oh Gahhwdd! Who made the reference to Flinchy? That's got to be GrarandFan! I'm ready for another episode! Lot's of late night writing...are you up for it, GF? Where is that drunk'n, Desert Eagle-carrying, urinating on the street, secret agent genius.


cop: Drop the sharp object and step out of your vehicle.

john: drop the... you mean my pencil? I'm not in a...

cop: Hup! It has wheels, ergo it's a vehicle; I'm not going to argue with you about it, sir, just step out slowly, please. Do you know why I pulled you over?

john: No. wait, you didn't...

cop: Your lines were all over the place.

john: Well, I was going to ink it next.

cop: Sure you were. Have you been drinking, sir? Is that an open bottle next to you?

john: what, was I drawing while intoxicated?

cop: ha. you make me laugh. I'll only give you a written warning this time, since it meets my quota and I'd be fired if this went to court, but let me just ask you... is my ass really that big?

Love the expanded editions, John!

Cowboy and G! Now there's a buddy cop flick I'd like to see.

John Cox:


I think I'll cook up a visual scenario for Flinchy next. Not only is he fun to draw, but you guys riff like nobodies business.

Hey Z

I enjoyed that! I was hoping someone would get to the DUI reference. Neat stuff.


Hmmm....is that a bottle of Carter's Ink? Yeah, and a '58 vintage to boot. Ya got good taste there Cox.

Now as for your 'art work'. I don't want to be critical but.................


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 12, 2012 12:51 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Automotive Report Cover Illustration (January 2013).

The next post in this blog is Book Cover Illustration Idea.

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