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I think I'd like to research and start taking notes for a comic about the year 1981. I was 17 and I remember my junior year at Evergreen High School in
Evergreen, Colorado as being one of the most memorable years of my young adulthood.

Comments (12)

John Cox:

I just realized cd's didn't come out until late '82. Research, research...

Ed B:

That can't be right. Slim's yodeling is deadly to aliens - especially Martians.


I've got a couple of friends from the 60's. They're still there....and still WEIRD!


Isn't Evergreen in the Basin? You're from South Park? Well flippity floppity floo.

Dr. Bob:

I remember in grad school watching the first shuttle landing on a 18 inch black and white TV in one of the professors's office and cheering upon its success.

Second, I remember awaiting the announce of the IBM PC and watching the little tramp commercials.

there's two 1981 memories for ya.


GAWD! Do we have to go back to there! I was in college and remember the VAllEY GIRL TALK. Oh Gawd GAG me with a spoooon! Jon. "Like you really don't know where you're going like I know you don't know...like!

John Cox:


Where were you when Reagan was shot?


I was out working in a remote location! Came home to see, on my 6"telly to see Dan Rather pronounce him dead! As he hoped...I guess.


I was in band "class," which for two-thirds of the year was an administrative excuse to give the marching band course credit for an extra hour of practice. I played two sports, therefore didn't march. I didn't hear about it until I got home from practice.

Where were you, John?

Doc Al:

Driving through the Chickamauga Battlefield Park with a car full of friends on college break. It was my first time in the state of Georgia. We turned the radio off while we were in the park and when I turned the radio back on, we started hearing this confusing talk about Reagan and an assassination attempt and it took a few minutes to put it all together. We continued our drive to Hendersonville, Tennessee where we were spending the night.

Doc Al:

The day Reagan was shot - March 30th - was also my grandfather's birthday. That's why I remember it so well.

John Cox:


I remember coming home from school and seeing the gruesome replays OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. Very surreal.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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