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20" x 20"
watercolor on paper

An effective way to enliven original artwork is preparing a space that exploits its' best features. In this case, my landscape watercolor is rather monochromatic with a touch of red, while the viewing area is rather warm. The contrast is thought-provoking and energizes a room.

Comments (4)


Nice! The red piece of string in the framed monochrome winter scene drew my attention to the contrast between the framed picture and flowering potted plant directly below it.


Forecast: what our economy (and country) will be like if Obama gets re-elected.

Ed B:

Oddly enough, my first reaction to seeing this was that, somewhere out there, a pair of red mittens had gotten loose and were being blown about by the wind.


Looks like the side of many of the narrow back roads I used to ramble along on the way to a stream, a pond, or the woods.

Now they're paved, wide enough to be four-lane highways, & lined with warped-proportion neocolonial McMansions. The wire has been displaced by faux stone walls & ominous looking hollow aluminum gates. "Westchester on the Otter."


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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