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and now a word from Paul Ryan...


Comments (3)


I'd like it if he explicitly stated what those principles are, as he's cast more than one politically expedient [wrong] vote.

I say 2 years of full GOP executive & legislative control--as many Tea Partiers as possible--& if they fail, I bail.


Barry prefers focus groups. Unless they give him the 'wrong' answer. Because Barry know's everything.


Well said, Anon and G!

I'm all for the ideal of an honest politician being elected for and acting on his principles, but there are far worse things than a politician who is dedicated to representing the electorate above his own principles, which is a principle itself. Assuming, of course, the polls are valid and not whimsical, which is another idealism, I know. In any case, as y'all imply, those are not our options here.

I fully expect significant failure even if we get a Tea Party government. The culture has not yet shifted enough to understand the changes needed. It's going to take a while, Anon. I hope you stick around.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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