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Say What?


Comments (12)

John Cox:

"He's not dead yet, but I can get you some righteous Manilow tickets."


"So... Your only life accomplishment is spending 17 hours a day practicing guitar so you could alternate-pick Flight of the Bumblebee at 2,000 BPM. Well, Clapton really was right. Less IS more."

Tom Wms.:

It says here that you voted for Clinton (twice?!), you campaigned for Gore and helped him make his movie, you campaigned for Kerry, you campaigned for Obama, you're for abortion and thought it was okay to take over free enterprise, you think the United States should apologize to Cuba, etc., blah, blah, etc., etc.

GO TO HELL (literally)!


I gave The Boss your list of "Demands". He's still laughing, but He did say "Tell him to bend over!"


"Heaven... Emo Hell... Big diff', huh, dark boy?"


John, I never thought I would picture Andrew "Dice" Clay as an angel....

John Cox:

Hey JustJess

The angel character is more like a roadie; a guy who checks backstage passes and looks after the harps.

Ed B:

Yeah, technically you're correct: you do have the right to an attorney to appeal your afterlife level assignment. But the bad news is that there just isn't one to be had up here.

Mick Shrimpton:

"I used to say, 'Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.' Now, as long as there's sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll."


"Dude... Really? What's it gonna take for you to get over yourself? Let the 'flying spaghetti monster' thing go already."


"Sorry dude. I love the riff to 'Highway to Hell' too, but it's a no-go. Gonna have to strike 'Imagine' as well."


"I'm not arguing with you. Hendrix definitely said, 'If I don't see you no more in this world, I'll meet you in the next one, don't be late,' but there's no Skeeter DuBois on the list."

I really miss the old "Like, News." It's not often you see really funny & effective jabs at Carville, Reno, Gore, AND Bush on alternative "media". I'd love to see their take on BHO.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 28, 2012 1:53 AM.

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The next post in this blog is KiRKWOOD.

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