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A humble thank you to all that Serve and Have Served. I wish you an inspired Veteran's Day.

Comments (9)


Great quote, John.

Thanks, veterans!

John Cox:


That quote was sent to me by Terwiliger, Very inspiring,


Don't know anyone who ever fought for "King and Country". But one hell of a lot of guys who fought for their buddies.

Dr. Bob:

I agree. Thanks to all who have served and those who continue to do so.

Freedom isn't free.


Well done, John. Here's a longer one I liked (that, naturally, isn't well-suited to this kind of artwork).

“Take the case of courage. No quality has ever so much addled the brains and tangled the definitions of merely rational sages. Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. ‘He that will lose his life, the same shall save it,’ is not a piece of mysticism for saints and heroes. It is a piece of everyday advice for sailors or mountaineers. It might be printed in an Alpine guide or a drill book. This paradox is the whole principle of courage; even of quite earthly or quite brutal courage. A man cut off by the sea may save his life if he will risk it on the precipice. He can only get away from death by continually stepping within an inch of it. A soldier surrounded by enemies, if he is to cut his way out, needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying. He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it; he must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine.” – G. K. Chesterton

Thank you, Veterans. Godspeed.

Tom Wms.:

Thanks, John.

Dr. Bob:


I love the quotes.


The war on the Western Front ended one week after the war on the Italian Front (yes, we remember on the 4th), when Italy "obtained" from Austria the use of the Austrian railways to move troops toward Germany, enabling our army to attack from another, undefended front.

The Victory Bulletin from General Diaz ends with the sentence:
"I resti di quello che fu uno dei più potenti eserciti del mondo
risalgono in disordine e senza speranza le valli che avevano disceso con
orgogliosa sicurezza."

"The remains of what was one of the most powerful armies in the world are retreating in disorder and hopelessness in the valleys they had descended with confident pride".

My Grandfather was there, a humble telegraph operator on the wrong side of Austrian 203mm howitzers.

We are now some kind of a republic, and what remains of the Savoia family is not a pleasant sight, but on November 4th the cry is still strong:

"Viva il Re! Viva l'Italia!"


Powerful Piece!


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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