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Book Cover Illustration Idea


Comments (4)


Wow. Great work. I really like this one (although the membrum/???? seems odd, given both arms & both legs are gone--& please excuse my ignorance if there is a torso from antiquity like this).

I really, really like the colors & the overall effect--& I think this would have been a better title than the original.

I find myself wanting to be offended by the way the words are "fitted," but that's exactly the way they fall on that page of the book (I wonder how certain people might react if their "prophet's" name was put in the same place).

As far as the book--actually, I should say as far as the author, since all of his books I've come across are like this--I was worn out by the forced (& overplayed) social commentary.

He's one heck of a writer--but as his books wear on, I find myself less & less reading & more & more skimming for the "good parts"--mainly to see a really talented writer's craft (& perhaps to draw some bit of inspiration as impetus).

John Cox:

Hey T
Thanks for the aesthetic input. I appreciate hearing how this kind of work is received.

I definitely was going for a slightly disturbing, thought-provoking look.



The text on the cover (which contains John's title) is taken from The Time of Our Singing by Richard Powers.

John Cox:


Thanks for that info. I have a huge stack of random pages I use for type effects. Purely random.


John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

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