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Comments (7)

Doc Al:

I care what's on MY TombStone: extra cheese, pepperoni, onions, and mushrooms.

John Cox:

Hey Doc

That reminds of a funny antidote.

Doc Al:

We'll have to have a happy-hour conservation about that later - if you're avoidable tonight.


Had a friend bitten by a rattlesnake. Tried every anecdote I knew - he still died.

Dr. Bob:

This reminds me of Norm Crosby and a little of Frank and Ernest's "malaprop man".

John - an appropriate use of a malaprop for hummus. And the replica to Doc Al is uncredibly funny.

Now on my tombstone I'd prefer pepperoni and extra cheese. No mushrooms, I'm alerted - those can cause a fetal reaction.

In reality though, I think I'll get bird poop.


Funny stuff, John. Glad to see you still got the mojo!

John Cox:

Hey Candice

You know it, kid. As you well know, it's GOTTA come out.



John Cox is a painter, cartoonist, and illustrator for hire. For information about purchasing existing work or commissioning new work, contact him by e-mail at john555cox [at] hotmail.com.

About This Page

This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 15, 2011 6:42 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Say What?.

The next post in this blog is Quiptoons.

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